Thursday, March 27, 2008

Abusive producers

Why on earth do producers of shows have to show a really amazing episode of a show and then just stop mid season for a month respite. I think that it is unfair to the viewership to be jerked around like this. Why can’t they just shoe the whole season without any breaks. They are more likely to lose viewers because when your show isn’t on you look to other shows or things to do. Those viewers just might find something else that is good and forget when their show will be coming on again. I just think that it is really lame. It is abusive of the power that they have. Just because the masses are senselessly addicted to their favorite TV shows, that doesn’t mean they have the right to abuse us. There is a certain point where we as the consumers need to step up and say that enough is enough. We have a right to see what we want to see when we want to see it. This is why people have started to pirate things; we are sick and tired of waiting till it is released by the producer just so the rich can become richer. Help me help you! Give us our shows.

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