Tuesday, April 1, 2008


The worst part about stress is that it just builds and builds. This past weekend I felt as though all the stress that I had been carrying built up so much that I was not strong enough to support it. My answer I dropped it. I just decided that I couldn't allow stress and anxiety to run my life. I am going to do the best that I can and that will have to do. There is a certain point where you just have to throw in the towel. Life just gets worse as you go along unless you learn how to prioritize what is required of you. So my priorities have changed this semester. All I have to do is survive. Easier said than done. For a chronic perfectionist when it comes to grades simple doing the minimum is going to be so hard. If I don't I will collapse under the pressure. Somethings gotta give. So the highest priority in my life right now is to make sure that I get through this semester without totally losing my mind. The solution to stress if there is one is to live life one day at a time. If you are only focusing on one thing you can make it.

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