Tuesday, February 5, 2008


I have decided that snow after January first is very depressing. This past Sunday it snowed six inches by the time I woke up in the morning. Being the good person I am I went out and started to shovel the driveway and sidewalks. To shovel it all took around an hour. It started snowing very hard about halfway done and continued to snow for the next hour after I had finished. At the end of the day another three inches of snow were on the ground that I had shoveled. Nine inches of snow in one day is just too much for me. I hate being cold. Every time I go outside regardless of how careful I am my pants get soaked. Snow is beautiful and good for our area I'll give you that, but it really is depressing when it is always around. The worst thing is the fact that in Utah it could keep on snowing until May. It could get warm and then all of a sudden it will snow. There are times when I wished that I lived in Arizona. Maybe I will become like the old people that live in New York during the summer and Florida in the winter. Once I am done with school I am going to live wherever it is warm and rarely snows.

1 comment:

Shana said...

It should snow in the mountains throughout the winter, so we can ski/board, and snow in the valley only on Christmas/Eve. That's my plan for the weather.